Friendship Club CLOSED
Friendship Club Closed (Yom Kippur)
Friendship Club Closed (Yom Kippur)
Yom Kippur / Toddlers & Children’s Service (See Timetable) Service Begins 9.00am Service Finishes 7.35 pm
Pilates Tuesdays 10-11am
Candle Lighting 6.26 Shabbat & Succot Begin (see Timetable for services) Kiddush in the Succah after each service.
Candle Lighting / Shabbat Commences Southend
Shabbat & Succot Continue Morning Service 9.30 am Kiddush in the Succah after each service.
Double Birthday Kiddush in the Succah Sponsored by Rosalyn & Derek Silverstone And Henrietta & Michael Rabinovitch Service Begins 9.30 am
Shabbat Ends Southend
Kiddush Brunch under the branches Join us in doing a Mitzvah / Refreshments and a chat.
Succot Continues service 9.30 am Kiddush in the Succah after each service
Shalom Friendship Club Mondays 11:30am-3pm
Pasta Party in the Succah For ages up to 15 Come and enjoy a Pasta & Ice Cream Feast Start 5pm