Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur
The Shul is full as family and friends come and visit us for the New Year and hear the sound of the shofar.. Children’s and Toddler`s Services cater for all ages. Assisting the Rabbi, either homegrown talent or a visiting Chazan. On Rosh Hashanah, we have a communal Tashlich service by the sea which is only a 10 minute walk from Shul. On Yom Kippur the programme includes Ladies lively talks and discussions on Jewish-related topics for women of all ages. Prior to Rosh Hashanah the Torah mantels and curtains are changed over to the whites and the Ladies Guild clean all the silverware.
There are Sukkot services every day. Our Kiddushim moves to our large Sukkah. the Shul Sukkah is decorated by our Ladies Guild. On Chol Hamoed, every year there is the Simchat Beit HaShoeva party with entertainment.
Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah
On Shemini Atzeret (the 8th day!) after the service there is a sit-down brunch for the community
We choose Chatan Torah and Chatan Bereishit, and Lady of the year. On Simchat Torah evening and morning we dance with the Torah in high spirits. On Simchat Torah day we have an honorary Brunch to pay tribute to our honorees.
Every year since 2004 we have lit the giant Menorah in front of large crowds next to the Cliff`s Pavilion. Gala Night is very popular, held on the Synagogue site, on one of the nights of Chanukah. This communal event is for all after the lighting. Always in the company of dignitaries and donuts.
The evening of Purim is celebrated with the reading Megilah Esther. A Purim party and Fancy Dress Fashion Parade for those who are in costume (both grown-ups and children!) with prizes awarded. Afterwards there is a buffet for all. The Megillah is read again during the Shacharit morning service on Purim Day.
For Pesach the Shul Kosher Shop is packed with all you need for a kosher Pesach! You can pre-order everything you need. There is usually a Communal Seder on the 2nd night of Pesach. The Ladies Guild make up free Pesach parcels for those who are unable to get their own Pesach groceries. There are synagogue services every day.
Yom Hashaoah / Yom Hazikaron / Yom Ha’atzmaut
These important days in the calendar are marked in Synagogue with an evening of reflection. On Yom Ha`atzmaut we have an evening of musical entertainment with special guests.
Lag B’Omer
We traditionally celebrate the 33rd day of the Omer with a Community Barbeque and everyone is invited.
For Shavuot the Shul is beautifully decorated by our wonderful Ladies Guild who prepare a cheesecake and ice cream kiddush.