Aid Society (Southend and District)
Jewish Care’s support group in Southend, working closely with the Jewish Community Centre in Cobham Road, Westcliff-on-Sea. We were formed in 1953 (over 70 years longevity) to help people who cannot help themselves with practical or financial support. Monies are raised from donations and functions, charity walks and bike rides. Everything collected stays in the in the City and is used locally. The length of time the Aid Society has been going is a testament of the generosity of the Jewish Community here in Southend.
AID Society Bridge takes place at Thorpe Bay Bridge Club regularly, see the weekly Newsletter for dates and times.
Telephone Chairman, Derek 01702 616153
City Of Southend Jewish Community Support
Financial help for the Southend Jewish Community.
City Of Southend Jewish Community Support was formed to alleviate and assist with financial hardship within the Southend Jewish Community.
Our mission is the prevention or relief of poverty by making grants and/or purchasing specific items or services of need amongst those who identify themselves as being members of the Jewish faith within the City Of Southend and an outlying radius of 15 miles from the City Centre.
We are non-judgemental, discrete, compassionate and neutral on synagogue affiliation.
We accept applications for grants and/or specific items or services in writing using a specifically designed Grant Application Form which can be downloaded and returned by post or electronically. We consider all applications individually and aim to respond within 48 hours. The application can be for a specific monetary amount or for the purchase of particular products or services.
Once an application is approved, we will try to transfer funds to the applicant(s) electronically and without delay. We try to keep bureaucracy to an absolute minimum.
We will normally only consider one off items of expense such as food, utility bills, council tax, mortgage payments, school clothing, school meals/activities and disability equipment and other costs and only where it is apparent that current income, expenses and capital are insufficient.
We will generally limit any grant to a maximum of £500 (or an equivalent value) – other than in exceptional circumstances.
Telephone 01702 965518
Email info@cosjcs.org.uk
Web www.cosjcs.org.uk

Community Care Committee
Bereavement Support Group / Pop In Centre
The Community Care Committee is a small group of like-minded people who want to help and support anyone in need. Between us we carry out hospital and care home visiting and telephone calls to anyone who would like a regular friend to chat with. We have many people who we are in regular weekly or fortnightly contact.
The Bereavement Support Group was formed 11 years ago. The aim is to help and support anyone experiencing any type of loss. This may be husband, wife, partner, child, parents or even change in circumstances. The meetings take place in group members’ homes. We discuss a relevant topic and explore how to support others going through similar experiences. We then have refreshments supplied by the host and a general chat so that everyone leaves in a positive mood. We also have social afternoons with a garden afternoon tea and an end of year meal. A great way for people to begin socialising again in a safe, friendly, and supportive environment.
The Pop In Centre has now been running for several years and we still work with a similar format. We often have special guests visiting such as the Mayor, MP, police, fire officers, Chaplains, Charity Organisations to name a few. We also have entertainment to celebrate special milestones, such as our 10th birthday our 13th birthday and our relaunch after Covid and sometimes to celebrate festivals such as Purim. We serve delicious refreshments with a smile and our guests enjoy the happy ambiance, a good chat and great company. We are supported by the Rabbi, President, and Vice President at most afternoons. Our guests vary in age, and everyone is welcome throughout the year.
For more information, help or advice please contact Janice.
Email care@swhc.org.uk
Mobile 07752 874065

CST / Security
CST (Community Security Trust) is a national organisation established to help protect the Jewish Community. It works with Government and the Police.
Our local CST operation at SWHC is comprised of volunteers and has been running for something in excess of 20 years. A few people who underwent CST training those many years ago are still involved but we are seeking new members. CST Head Office run courses at all levels and we encourage people interested in helping with Synagogue security to undertake the training.
Volunteers conduct security duty in conjunction with paid security guards.
A charitable organisation raising money to go towards building homes for needy children in Israel. An annual Garden Party at Porters Lodge is amongst some of the events the local Emunah organisation hosts.
Local Representative Rochelle 01702 436791
Web www.emunah.org.uk

Jewish Community Centre (Jewish Care)
1 Cobham Road, Westcliff-on-Sea SS0 8EG
Offering a wide range of activities, clubs and outings for anyone who enjoys company and fun. There are crafts, The Cobham Singers choir, card games and even computer classes if you want to become more confident around technology. Regular Salt Beef Supper evenings and there is also the opportunity to enjoy a kosher lunch and tea for more details see our brochure.
We’re always looking for volunteers to help out at the centre too, hours to suit you, please get in contact.
The centre is open between 9:15am – 3:30pm Monday to Thursday, 9:15am – 1pm on Fridays.
Telephone 01702 334 655
Email helpline@jcare.org
Web https://www.jewishcare.org/
Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain
South East Essex Group
The Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain, JGSGB, was founded in 1992 for beginners and experienced researchers to help one another to learn and discover more about genealogy. We promote the preservation of Jewish genealogical records and resources and share information amongst members.
The Society is open to all interested in Jewish genealogy and is constituted on a secular basis. The local group meets both in person and virtual via zoom several times a year.
Please contact Anne Marcus for more information or visit the website, jgsgb.org.uk

Magen David Adom (MDA)
Linda and Simon as joint chair have raised may thousands of pounds, purchased ambulances, first responder vehicles, and more recently, two blood rooms at the newly completed Blood and Logistic Centre near Ramlah. As you are all doubtless aware, MDA is not just about ambulances, but also supplies most of the blood required in Israel, both to civilians and the IDF. Whatever a patient needs, MDA is there 24/7, 365 days a year, irrespective of religion, race or creed. Our work in this respect will continue by bringing interesting speakers to the community for your enjoyment and mental stimulation.
Meals on Wheels
Frozen heat and ready to eat to your door. Meals on wheels service available (subject to criteria).
Contact Laura
Telephone 01702 334655
Monday Club (Shalom Friendship Club)
A friendly social club for those who love card games, there’s lots going on. We play Solo, Canasta and Kalooki and more. Please come and give us a try you will be sure of a warm welcome.
Time 11:45am – 3:30pm.
Cost £3 to include a light lunch of sandwiches and tea/coffee.
Venue Shul Hall
Contact Maurice
Telephone 01702 351845
Southend Kehila
An email group for The City of Southend Jewish Community
Welcome to Southend Kehila – an independent email group, open to all Jewish Organisations and Individuals in the City of Southend and the area. It has a steering committee with representation from local Jewish Religious Organisations. It also has links to local Jewish charities and Jewish Care.
Its aim is to unite and help all Jews living in our wonderful seaside City and the surrounding area. It offers the whole Community an easy-to-use resource.
- To provide a central source of information for all activities, events and classes which are open to everyone regardless of affiliation. There is no advertising of regular religious services, education or discussions. On an exception, basis major Yom Tov services which are open to all members of our Community may be advertised.
- For getting or providing help to contributors, for example: needing a lift to London, selling or giving away something, or seeking a recommendation for a service like a plumber.
- Commercial advertising is not permitted although limited advertising by shops selling kosher products is permitted. Local Jewish businesses and individuals may occasionally advertise their services.
- To reporting news which affects our Community, especially on security matters.
- Fundraising is not a prime role for Southend Kehila. That is best left to individuals and organisations with links to various charities. On Southend Kehila, charity fundraising is restricted to charities registered with the Charity Commission and limited, subject to the following exemptions: 1) local registered charities 2) sponsored challenges for registered charities, with funds collected through an independent source such as Just Giving and 3) presentations including zoom presentations by registered charities where there is a charge or donation request, with funds going directly to the charity.
- Political posts are not permitted, neither is Southend Kehila a “chat room” for that and similar matters.
- All posts are moderated (reviewed) before release.
Rules for the benefit of everyone:
- Keep it friendly keep it polite
- Any organisation or individual advertising an event which includes food is expected to adhere to a level of kashrus. Anyone attending an event who is unsure of the level of kashrus should check directly with the organiser.
- All advertised events and activities must respect the laws of Shabbat and Yom Tov.
Email skehila100@gmail.com
For security purposes all applications are vetted.
Westcliff & District Wizo
Our Group is part of the Women’s International Zionist Organization. WIZOuk is one of 50 Federations worldwide with the primary objective of raising money for vital social welfare and education projects throughout Israel. WIZO’s supporters are men and women of all ages and interests.
WIZO is passionate about nurturing all disadvantaged Israeli citizens regardless of race, colour or religion. WIZO is the largest provider of welfare services in Israel. Through their 800 Projects they make it possible for 50,000 children to go to day care centres and after school clubs,12,650 women enjoy a wide range of services and programmes and 13, 500 teenagers enjoy life-changing programmes.
Our local Group has a membership of over 100 men and women. We organize the national Jewish Women’s Week Campaign locally and a variety of fundraising events.’