Past Events

Shabbat Bo

Southend & Westcliff

Shabbat Services begin 9.30am Kiddush after the service (all welcome) Shabbat Ends 5.16pm


Candle Lighting

Southend & Westcliff

Candle Lighting and Shabbat begins 4.21pm For Friday Night services Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat (see Newsletter)


Shabbat Beshalach

Southend & Westcliff

Shabbat Services begin 9.30am Kiddush after the service (all welcome) Shabbat Ends 5.29pm



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Rosh Hashannah Lunch

Following the Yom Tov service, join us for a light lunch in the Shul Hall

October 7th Memorial Service

The Jewish Communities of Southend and surrounding areas will be hosting a Civic Service to commemorate the lives lost on October 7th

Yom Kippur Break Fast Snack

Following the end of the Yom Kippur Service, we will be serving tea and honeycake so we can break our fasts together.

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